Panelist - Jean-Michel Arnoult - Crowdfunder, Stock Circles - Bio

Jean-Michel Arnoult, Founder of Crowdfunder and COO at Stock Circles

Jean-Michel's Bio:

Jean Michel is an entrepreneur with a FinTech focus.

Currently, Jean Michel is the COO of Stock Circles, an AI-driven autotrading platform. Previously, he co-founded Crowdfunder, a leading Crowdfunding platform, which has raised over $200m for tech companies over the last five years.

Prior to become an entrepreneur, Jean-Michel worked for Microsoft where he participated in the launch of the search engine Bing. His Finance-heavy portfolio included: Intuit, AIG, FXCM

He is passionate about Entrepreneurship and those who build things. He has been advising multiple Founders over the years and made investments in WOSH, Helpr and Stample.