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Retail Credit 2013
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Financing the economy and renewing the customer relationship

The credit industry continues to go through difficult times, with retail banks facing a wide range of issues. Efma’s Retail Credit Conference gives delegates a unique opportunity to discuss the challenges that lie ahead; to hear presentations from a wide range of industry experts; and to network with their peers.

This year’s event will include two parallel streams, enabling participants to choose the topics that interest them the most.

Key questions
How can banks invent new value propositions that address new customer priorities?Possible solutions include responsible lending for fragile populations; the grouping and repurchase of debts; meeting the specific needs of both the middle class and Gen Y; and focusing on specific target groups.
How can banks develop a sustainable approach to retail credit for SMEs and professionals? There is a need for innovation and proactive risk management in the provision of credit to segments such as micro enterprises. Some banks are also exploring the risks and opportunities of alternative approaches to SME finance.
What impact are ‘non-traditional’ financial players likely to have? What will be the role of car financing captives, insurance companies and pure online players? What are the latest trends in micro credit and peer-to-peer lending?
For risk management and debt collection, how do banks find the right balance between customer acquisition and retention and risk mitigation? Banks must develop a sustainable approach to credit risk; review their risk measurement and management tools; align their front and back offices; improve the whole debt collection process; and learn how to understand the consumer mindset.

Hot topics
Some of the other key topics that will be discussed include:

Innovative approaches to professional customer relationships
Social business and crowd funding for micro credit
Consumer finance in retail distribution
Partnerships between financial and non financial players
A summary of the European Credit Risk Outlook 2013
Mobile and smart applications - the multichannel approach to collection


This year’s conference has an exciting new format which will enable all of the key issues relating to credit to be explored in greater depth. It includes:

Plenary sessions (on the morning of June 20th and the afternoon of June 21st), covering wider, global issues. These will include a focus on the new environment for the European retail credit market (covering topics such as liquidity, regulation, growth, operational efficiency, cost reduction and new markets) and new frontiers for marketing and distribution (covering topics such as digital marketing, e-credit, mobile consumer finance, social media and the customer experience).

Two parallel sessions (on the afternoon of June 20th and the morning of June 21st), during which more specific issues can be addressed (see main document for details). 


Location Amsterdam, Netherlands

Additional Information about this event:

From Thursday 20 June 2013 -  08:00am
To Friday 21 June 2013 - 05:00pm
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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