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The Innovation Project 2013 Summer School
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It’s undeniable.

The availability and diffusion of mobile devices is transforming the world on every possible dimension. It’s said that by the end of this year, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people. The power that can and will unleash is simply breathtaking.

Nowhere is mobile’s impact more visible than in commerce and payments.

In less than 2 years, ten percent of Starbucks sales are made via the mobile device. Square, which started life as a dongle on a mobile phone in 2008, in 2013 has 330,000 merchants and 3 million users that accept its mobile wallet. PayPal’s mobile commerce volume has grown from a base of literally zero in 2011 to more than $10B in 2012. And, in that same year, roughly, eleven percent of all eCommerce sales were initiated by a mobile device and those devices are fueling that channel’s explosive growth.

This market is moving quickly – faster than many imagined.

At precisely the point in time when the biggest decisions organizations have to make with respect to mobile and commerce are being made, the set of options to choose from is bigger and more complex than ever and just keeps expanding. Much of what was considered “standard operating procedure” just a couple of years ago is no longer standard and in fact, is probably no longer relevant. It’s increasingly hard to keep up and the risk of making decisions based on an outdated or incomplete fact base is real.

Jump In. A Deep Dive into Mobile Commerce … Innovation Project Summer School

Over the course of 2 days, some of the most accomplished thought leaders and industry practitioners will ground you in all you need to know to chart a sound mobile commerce course for your organization. Think of Summer School as an immersion course in acquiring the essential fact base you’ll need to assess whatever new idea comes along and determine whether it is right for your organization. Trust us, this is not a conference with talking heads and marketing presentations. Get ready to dig in, roll up your sleeves, pay attention and think.

Six Two-Hour Modules and Three Live Cases. And plenty of time for interacting with your peers.

As we said, this isn’t fluff. If you really want to learn, then have we got a course curriculum for you. Each two-hour module is taught by hand-picked faculty who know this topic inside and out and will tell you what you need to know to ground yourself in the essentials of mobile commerce. We’re limiting class size to only 200 people so prepare to interact, and to be engaged on every level. And, everything from our facility to our course materials is state of the art. Course materials will be presented via an iPad App that will contain more than 1000 pages of proprietary course materials and related readings.

Module 1 | The Mobile Commerce Ecosystem
Module 2 | Tools and Tactics of Consumer and Merchant Engagement
Module 3 | The Technology of Mobile Commerce
Module 4 | Igniting Mobile Commerce
Module 5 | Digital Wallets and Currencies
Module 6 | The New Point of Sale and The Transformation of Retail

You … in the CEO’s Seat … Three Times.

Our three 90-minute live cases will be facilitated by a HBS Faculty member and solve for three mobile commerce executions that will be presented to the class. You’ll be expected to review these cases in advance and to participate in an interactive exercise designed to put you front and center in the decision making process. We’ll even have company executives from case companies participating in this discussion, and providing you with feedback in real time.

Live Case 1 | Google Wallet
Live Case 2 | FourSquare
Live Case 3 | LevelUp

Have we mentioned that Boston in August is heavenly?

We’ve left the evenings open for networking, continuing the debate that we no doubt created earlier in the day and for meeting new colleagues. And in August, in Boston, there is no shortage of options to choose from to do just that. We’ll arm you with options and even have some pre-reserved venues for you to select from, give you suggestions and the rest is up to you (and your new found friends).

We even have a commencement speaker so you better graduate!

Jonah Berger, Wharton Business School Professor, expert on consumer behavior and author of the New York Times Best Seller, Contagious, will leave you with the latest insights on getting consumers to adopt mobile payments. His insights have helped companies overcome the toughest problem of all – getting traction in market with something new, and making that adoption, well, contagious. We think it’s the perfect way to transition from deep dive to strategic plan – and just in time for that classic Fall ritual, next year’s strategic plan and budgets.

Now, all you need to do is apply to become a member of the Summer School class of 2014.

This class is designed for VP and Director level executives whose heads are on the chopping blocks to design and manage mobile commerce programs for their companies. We chose space that can only accommodate 200 people, so that we have a class size large enough to make it interesting but still small enough to be interactive. No joking … when we hit 200, it is class closed, so don’t delay if this sounds like just the kind of mobile commerce prep and background that you’ve been looking for.

For hotel information, click here.

The Innovation Project Summer School Faculty looks forward to seeing you in August!

Jonah Berger
Wharton Business School Professor, expert on consumer behavior and author of the New York Times Best Seller Contagious
Jeff Bussgang
Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School (and partner at Flybridge Capital)
Matt Calman
Senior Vice President and R&D Executive, Bank Of America
John Caron
Vice President, Marketing, Catalina Marketing
Daniel Eckert
Head of Financial Services at Walmart
David Evans
Founder of Market Platform Dynamics (and economist and author of Paying with Plastic)
Patrick Gauthier
Head of Product Strategy & Business Operations, Retail Services at PayPal
Henry Helgeson
CEO of Merchant Warehouse
Karl Mehta
Venture Partner at Menlo Ventures (and former CEO of Visa/PlaySpan)
Ken Paull
Shelley Bransten Perelmuter
VP of Customer Relationship Management, Gap Inc.
Seth Priebatsch
Chief Ninja of LevelUp
Lee Rainie
Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project
Bill Ready
CEO of Braintree
Mario Shiliashki
Senior Vice President and Group Head, U.S. Emerging Payments Lead, MasterCard
Dick Schmalensee
Economist and Dean Emeritus of the MIT Sloan School
Nadia Shouraboura
CEO of Hointer (and formerly Technology VP, Global Supply Chain and Fulfillment Platform at Amazon)
Sarab Sokhey
CEO, SinghTell Inc.
Jon Stine
Director, Retail and Consumer Products Practice, Cisco
Stephanie Swain
SVP Retail & Payments, Aimia (formerly Senior Director Financial Services, Best Buy)
George Wallner
Chairman, co-founder and CTO of ACTPAY
Karen Webster
President of and CEO of Market Platform Dynamics
Emil Wikström
CIO, Seamless
Location Cambridge, MA

Additional Information about this event:

From Monday 12 August 2013 -  08:00am
To Wednesday 14 August 2013 - 05:00pm
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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