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Insurance Distribution
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The changing face of distribution models in insurance: new approaches, new strategies and new trends

Like many other areas within the financial services sector, the insurance industry is having to evolve in response to changing customer behaviour and the increasing digitisation of many processes. However, this evolution is sometimes painfully slow. There is a pressing need for insurers to continue to develop seamless and versatile multidistribution models.

At the same time, any new model must also have the needs of the customer as its central focus. New technologies offer exciting new opportunities for meeting customer needs and enhancing the customer experience. They can also help to strengthen the capabilities of more traditional channels, such as agents and brokers. 

As part of its three-day Distribution Summit, Efma is delighted to introduce a two-day conference on ‘Insurance Distribution’. A range of experienced international speakers will look at different tools and strategies designed to increase the productivity and profitability of insurers.

Key questions
• Multidistribution models: what are the key advantages of a multidistribution model and what are the specific channels and levers that will help insurance companies to grow in the future? 
• Innovation: what are the latest developments in incremental and disruptive innovation? How can innovative solutions be developed without creating conflict within the channels?
• Customer satisfaction: how can new technologies be used to enhance the customer experience? What is the role of loyalty programmes?

Hot topics
Other key topics that will be discussed during the conference include:

• The role of the aggregator: threat or partner?
• The impact of digital channels, such as mobile and social media
• The role of more traditional channels: bancassurance, agents and brokers
• New insurance value propositions for families


Location Amsterdam, Netherlands

Additional Information about this event:

From Tuesday 18 March 2014
To Wednesday 19 March 2014
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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