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World Retail Congress Asia Pacific 2014
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Over 550 attendees from over 30 countries: The World Retail Congress Asia Pacific 2013 has begun!


With online retail already delivering soaring growth for retailers, central to the 2013 agenda are strategies for seizing this opportunity and maximising its potential.

  • Harnessing the power of the unstoppable rise of online retailingand digitally empowered shoppers to drive profits and market share
  • Mastering multichannel: Planning for a steady and profitable future
  • Choosing the right customer technologies to enhance your digital relationship with your consumer


In response to rapidly changing and diversifying marketplaces across Asia Pacific, this dedicated business track goes to the heart of the retail opportunity - servicing new customers, across new channels, in new markets.

  • Understanding the complexities of the Chinese consumer and how to secure your brand’s future in the world’s soon to be largest economy
  • Brand values, creative proposition and product development
  • Learning from the success of indigenous Asian brands
  • How are the emerging trends in technology and mobile shaping modern retail and customer shopping trends?


Responding to the accelerated pace of change across the world and the dynamic environment of growth and investment in Asia, the Congress provides global retail intelligence with an Asia market focus.

  • India: Turning challenge into opportunity in the world’s fastest growing domestic economy
  • Unlocking the retail opportunities in South-East Asia: Sourcing and domestic trade

International expansion: How global consumer brands are executing locally, leveraging globally and winning market share worldwide


Addressing the critical issues central to all retail businesses, these key sessions provide the proven, practical case study success stories and crucial insights from market leaders around the world.

  • Winning and retaining customersInsight, loyalty, service and leadership
  • Supply chain re-arrangement strategies to support accelerated business growth
  • Growing your brand’s physical footprint: What is the optimum blueprint for the store portfolio?


The full programme will follow in due course. Key themes to be explored in-depth throughout the programme include:

1. The changing retail property landscape: Finding the optimum scale and fit

As shopping preferences continue to evolve across the region and making a strong foot-print for your brand is paramount, securing the right bricks and mortar presence for your business is at the top of the strategic agenda.

Focusing in detail on formats, location and make-up of the store portfolio, the Congress will share vital information and examples of strategies that are working for both Asian and multinational retailers and brands.

2. Cracking Chinese shopper trends: The world's most complex consumer

The profile of the Chinese consumer remains one of the most difficult but critical consumer identities to understand; for those who meet this challenge the rewards are huge. The Congress brings to the stage raw insights from both domestic Chinese retailers, consumer experts as well as the true voice of the consumer.

3. Emergence of e-commerce and the retail opportunity in a digital world

As the digital revolution continues to gather pace, the momentum of opportunities for retailers spirals too. With a plethora of partners, channels and strategies available, choosing the right fit for your business is vital.

The Congress hand-picks the very best speakers to share invaluable information and insights into how you can maximise the potential of the e-commerce phenomenon.

4. Adapting your brand for fast-changing Asian consumers

With over 10 unique territories, each offering a diversity of opportunities and challenges, keeping up with the pace of change and the identity of each market's consumers is an ongoing task.

The Congress provides the most up-to-date consumer insights into a variety of the Asian regions in succinct and practical formats that you can leverage to give your business the competitive edge; with a key focus for 2013 on the digitally high-growth consumer markets countries including India and Indonesia, can you afford to miss out?

5. Setting both survival and growth strategies in the face of rising costs

As the world economy faces headwinds and the future of supply and demand uncertain, the Congress brings to the fore a range of experts from both the economic, supply and political disciplines for a strategic-level discussion on what lies ahead for both consumers and retailers alike.

6. International expansion: Choosing your path and your partners wisely

With a vast array or global opportunities, choosing the optimum strategy and structure for your growth objectives is critical to both sustenance and success.

The Congress is your opportunity to get a wide-reaching perspective on how you can achieve your growth plans and expand quickly, sustainably and most importantly profitably.

7. Supporting the business strategy with the right systems and infrastructure

Keeping up with the top-line business strategy and delivering on the customer promise can often be challenging in a rapidly expanding and diversifying market. Collaboration, planning, systems and people are all key to making this a success, and the Congress puts at its heart a retailers' day-to-day business functions.

8. Understanding the trends defined by mobile commerce

In light of the soaring growth of both mobile and tablet adoption across the world, this will be a key focus for 2013 from both a technology, consumer and insight perspective.

Welcoming the global giants in mobile technology as well as the retailers implementing m-commerce strategies most effecting, the Congress is your one-stop-shop for getting ahead of this retail and social phenomenon.

9. Finding growth in the developing markets: where are the retail hotspots?

Offering in-depth strategic and operational information, insights and strategies for entering new markets, the Congress will focus on the high-growth consumer markets (based on both research with retail companies as well as GDP), which will include India , Indonesia and one other? We would welcome your suggestions for country-studies. Contact Lucy Van Den Heede, Content Manager by email,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to share your opinion!

10. Preparing for the impact of the shifts in the world economy

With the recalibrating dynamics of supply and demand, sourcing and costs are at the top of the business agenda. The Congress will address this topic from the perspective of both the buyer and the seller offering best-practice strategies and solutions for steering your business through the next chapter in global retailing.


Location Singapore, Asia

Additional Information about this event:

From Monday 24 March 2014
To Wednesday 26 March 2014
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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