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mCommerce Exchange
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The proliferation of mobile and tablet use globally has given consumers more power than ever before; being able to buy from anyone, anywhere in the world at the click of a button, and tell billions of people in seconds everything they love, and hate, about your brand. 

Whilst mobile may not be the primary channel of choice for many consumers today, there’s no denying that at its rate of adoption it soon will be. If you’re not ready, your competitors will be.

The mCommerce Exchange is an invitation-only forum providing 60 hand selected CMOs, CIOs, VPs and Directors of Mobile, Digital, Social, Marketing, mCommerce, eCommerce and IT from enterprises across the USA and Canada a unique opportunity to learn from and network with the very best in the business. 

An intense yet intimate and highly productive two days; the 2014 Exchange will help you find out how to:

  • Develop a mobile commerce strategy that will support rapid growth projections
  • Drive increased customer acquisition and build more personable relationships with your customers through effective mobile marketing
  • Overcome mobile adoption barriers by driving deeper engagementwith your customers
  • Implement best practice in combining loyalty programs with push notifications, geo-location and augmented reality
  • Leverage existing eCommerce systems by developing mobile-specific features such as location based services and near field communications
  • Navigate the rapidly evolving mCommerce technology landscape





Location Las Vegas, NV

Additional Information about this event:

From Tuesday 01 April 2014 -  07:30am
To Wednesday 02 April 2014 - 04:30pm
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Yes
YouTube Video for this event:
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