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Digital Identity and Authentication - May 21, 2014 - Menlo Park
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SecureKey Event: Digital Identity and Authentication Breakfast

May 21, 2014 - Orrick, 1100 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, CA, from 7:30 to 11am
Dear BayPay Members,




We hope to see you at our upcoming breakfast seminar !


Imagine if every store you went into today required you to create a username and password, simply to buy something. That is the Internet model today, and it has to change. Users are in password hell and they want out! Many organizations that offer web or mobile services today require customers to create specific accounts with usernames and passwords to access their services. It annoys users and creates friction. On a first visit to your site many users don’t know if they are coming back - so they may not treat a new user id and password with care. The second visit for them is a pain - they have to choose between trying to remember, or recovering the password, or asking for a new userid. Wait, now they need another email account … maybe there is another site that isn’t so annoying.

Where are we headed ?
- Does the current chaos prevail and continue ?
- Does an organized model, similar to payment networks, that allows users to use credentials from trusted providers to reach their internet destinations emerge ?

- Is it all about social logins? What about privacy ? Who pays ?
- And what about heartbleed ?


Get insight from our Digital ID panel moderated by PayPal to explore this topic and more.


This free event will take place at Orrick, 1100 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, CA on May 21, 2014 from 7:30am to 11:00am. Breakfast will be provided.




7:30 a.m. - Arrival and Breakfast

8:00 a.m.   - Welcome and Opening Comments
- Didier Serra, EVP of Global Partnerships, SecureKey Technologies

8:15 a.m. Keynote: Security and Authentication Evolution
- Taher Elgamal, CTO of Security, SalesForce

9:05 a.m. - IAM Industry Trends - North America and Beyond
Mobile, Security, Privacy and Federated Identity
                  - Andre Boysen, EVP of Marketing, SecureKey Technologies

9:30 a.m. - Panel Session: Digital ID in Financial Services
moderated by Patrick Gauthier, General Manager, Retail Services, PayPal
                   - Patrick Salyer, CEO, Gigya
                   - Marc Brûlé, The Royal Canadian Mint
                   - Françoise Gilbert, Managing Director, IT Law Group, attorney specialized
                     on Privacy, Security and Cloud Computing
                   - Charles Walton, CEO, SecureKey Technologies

10:15 a.m. - Questions and Thoughts

10:30 a.m. - Wrap Up and Prize Draw



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Location Menlo Park, CA

Additional Information about this event:

Wednesday 21 May 2014, 07:30am - 11:00am
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: 100 to 200
This event has an exhibit: No
YouTube Video for this event:
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