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Consensus 2015
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About Consensus 2015

Digital currencies and blockchain technology cut across multiple and diverse sectors, with the potential to impact everyone from Wall Street to the world's unbanked.

At Consensus 2015, CoinDesk will convene experts and leaders across these sectors to debate real­world problems and find the solutions that cutting­edge digital currencies and blockchain tech might offer. 

Hear what Citi, Santander, Visa, the Gates Foundation, the US Department of Justice and experts at the cutting­edge of finance, law and global development are working on in blockchain tech.

About CoinDesk

CoinDesk is the leading publisher of independent news and analysis on digital currencies and blockchain technologies.  Our quarterly State of Bitcoin report is the most respected benchmark for the vibrancy of the digital currency economy. Data from State of Bitcoin has been referenced in Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report.

The CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index is the most widely referenced gauge of the price of bitcoin across major exchanges. It is routinely quoted by the financial and technology press, including Bloomberg News, BBC News, The New York Times, CNBC, the Wall Street Journal and more.

Save thousands on conference tickets

We are pleased to introduce to you an exclusive auction service reserved to BayPay Social Members.

  We are still in beta but the tickets are real and you can save thousands of dollars right now. Instead of paying the list price or waiting for the right discount code, you can now decide what you want to spend to attend a conference.

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We have tens of thousands of dollars worth of conference tickets for you.
We will keep adding to the inventory of tickets every week.



Location TimesCenter, New York City

Additional Information about this event:

Thursday 10 September 2015    
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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