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Google Hangout: What's Your Mobile Wallet Strategy?
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Join CG's Emerging Payments Google Hangout for a Mobile Wallet Strategy Session with BBVA Compass' Melissa Jankowski



Learn from BBVA's experience developing and
launching its own mobile wallet.



In many ways, the mobile wallet space is similar to that mobile phones.  Both markets are convoluted by a dizzying array of consumer options, ever-changing technology standards and two competing operating models (Android and IOS).  And while the largest banks currently support Apple Pay and Google Wallet, the impact of recent U.S. market entry, Samsung Pay, remains to be seen. 



As banks contemplate their mobile wallet strategies, questions are many:


-       How and when to enter into the space? 


-       Is it worth it to develop a proprietary mobile wallet offering?


-       Is it better to partner with a third party?


-       When should a hybrid approach be considered? 



CG’s Emerging Payments experts, Sam Maule and Jim McLeod will discuss these issues and more with BBVA Compass EVP and Director of Issuing, Melissa Jankowski.  BBVA Compass recently developed and released its own mobile wallet solution.  Melissa will share BBVA’s insights on its decision-making process, the features it believes are table stakes in the mobile wallet game, the qualities that make the BBVA solution unique and the lessons learned post launch.



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Location Google Talk

Additional Information about this event:

Thursday 24 September 2015, 09:00am - 10:00am
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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