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European Smart Grid Cyber Security 2016
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This conference will cover the major innovations and foster industry discussion amongst market participants in the smart grid market, as well as taking a closer look at the problems surrounding standardisations and compliance.Join us to hear from a range of European utility companies as they present their cyber security strategies and discover best practice to ensure energy security and compliance.


  • Receive cyber security case studies from an array of European utilities
  • Understand the evolving regulatory standards and how to make your company compliant
  • Analyse the latest smart meeting programmes
  • Learn how to overcome communication issues between IT and OT departments
  • Discover the newest technological developments in cyber security
Location London, United Kingdom

Additional Information about this event:

From Monday 07 March 2016 -  08:00am
To Tuesday 08 March 2016 - 05:00pm
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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