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Finance, Treasury & Cash Management in Latin America 2016
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When managing treasury involves mitigating the risk of 21 different currencies, in countries with complex, changing regulatory and tax requirements, no one single bank partner to rely on and plenty of physical cash to handle, treasury’s efficiency and control can be seriously compromised.

However, companies have been expanding in Latin America and beyond and treasuries continue to look for ways to simplify operations. The theme of this event is effective treasury globalization and we aim to demonstrate the best practices.The global economic slowdown, currency shocks, weak demand from China and falls in commodity prices have all conspired to hit commodity-dependent countries’ exports, but parts of the region are going through a historical transformation that is opening unprecedented opportunities. Political stability, higher than average regional growth expectations and strong fundamentals, differentiate the Pacific countries. On the other end of the spectrum, markets that given their size cannot be ignored, are experimenting serious economic and political challenges.

Tax and regulatory complexity, which makes moving cash in and out more challenging, is a common denominator to all. There are profound operational and strategic challenges for treasuries operating in the region, but there are rewards for those who deal with the challenges effectively.

Headquarters may demand standard processes, automation, cash concentration, a reduced number of banks, real time cash visibility and accurate forecasts , but how can you achieve this in Latin America? How can you make sure that cash is available when and where the business needs it?

Location Mexico City, Mexico

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From Tuesday 15 March 2016 -  08:00am
To Wednesday 16 March 2016 - 05:00pm
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
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