While handset makers are beginning to ship more popular smartphone models with NFC inside, some key industry observers say they expect significantly fewer than 40 million NFC phones will be shipped for all of 2011.
While handset makers are beginning to ship more popular smartphone models with NFC inside, some key industry observers say they expect significantly fewer than 40 million NFC phones will be shipped for all of 2011.
U.S.-based NFC application developer Narian Technologies said it plans to launch pilots with a large department store chain and large supermarket chain by the first quarter of 2012.
The kit costs €180 and includes a C7 NFC phone as well as a selection of NFC tags.
Read the rest of Nokia offers developers low-cost NFC Device Kit at NFC World.
Fifty outdoor advertising sites in Melbourne have been equipped to allow consumers to download exclusive cookery recipes and video cookbooks via either WiFi or NFC.
Read the rest of Australian supermarket Coles tests outdoor NFC with Adshel at NFC World.
70% of UK smartphone users and 34% of non-smartphone users say they would be willing to try out NFC payments, a new consumer survey has found.
Read the rest of UK consumers will pay up to £3 to load a mobile wallet at NFC World.