Moderator - Kurt Helwig - EFTA - Bio

Kurt Helwig, President and CEO at Electronic Funds Transfer Association ( EFTA )

Kurt's Bio:

Kurt Helwig is president and CEO of EFTA, the nation’s leading inter-industry trade association dedicated to the advancement of electronic payment systems and commerce. In this capacity he works with EFTA’s Board of Directors to develop and execute a comprehensive strategic plan that includes government and media relations, timely, content-rich meeting agendas, and value driven member services.

Kurt is a regular contributor to Executive Agencies including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), U.S. Department of Treasury, Federal Reserve Board, General Accountability Office and the Department of Agriculture on payment systems issues. Areas of expertise include: the Federal Reserve’s Faster Payments and Secure Payments Initiatives, Operation Choke Point, emerging and mobile payments technologies, the Durbin Amendment, prepaid cards, fraud and risk in the payment system, ATM, POS and Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) services, and privacy and customer information.

He is frequently asked to share his insights on the legislative and regulatory environment at industry conferences, member events, broadcast and print media. He has testified before the House Financial Services and Senate Banking Committees and the House Agriculture Committee.

Kurt currently serves as chairman of the ATM Industry Association’s (ATMIA) Board of Directors and is a founding member and co-chair of ATMIA’s Global Government Relations Committee. He also serves on the Federal Reserve’s Faster Payments and Secure Payments Task Forces and is a member of the Congressional Payments Technology Caucus.