Nicole Douglas- Payment Development in Eu- Jan 29,2015

Panelist: Nicole Douglas, Senior Vice President and International Treasury Management Sales Manager, Wells Fargo & Company


Nicole's bio:

Nicole Douglas is a senior vice president and international treasury management sales manager, based in San Francisco. She has been with Wells Fargo since 2006 and leads the team that develops global cash management solutions for companies throughout California. Nicole specializes in innovative banking strategies for technology sector companies especially in the global payments space. Prior to joining Wells Fargo, she worked as a management consultant focusing on developing business and technology strategies for multi-national companies. She has a BS in Finance and Management Information Systems from Villanova University, Pennsylvania and graduated top of her class from Gothenburg University in Sweden with a Masters in International Business. A native Californian, Nicole has also lived in Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Colorado and Sweden. She now lives in Marin County, Calif. with her family.

Wells Fargo- European Solutions for US companies