Tip of the day

Did you know that BayPay provides a database of thousands of conferences in payments, commerce and fintech worldwide?

We have updated it with the conferences coming until the end of the year. It is a free resource that the BayPay team has worked hard to create for you. It is a great way to help your marketing teams find the right conference for your company. You will see we have a lot of conferences but if you don’t see one that is important, just drop us a message on our chat line with the link to the conference and we will add it to the calendar for everyone to benefit.This calendar is available to all our members (Free and Premium Members). You just need to be logged in.

This calendar is available to all our members (Free and Premium Members). You just need to be logged in.

Here is below a sample of July only. You can click on the image and it will bring you right to the calendar:



Here's how to access:

After logging in:

1. At the bottom of the page, select Conferences Worldwide.



2. To see the detail of the conference, just click the event you wish to view.


3. You may filter the calendar by selecting BayPay events or BayPay sponsored events or select one region in particular like North America, Asia, Europe, etc. to get a subset of all the conferences we have gathered for you.




4. Select the month you would like to view by clicking the navigation arrows at the top of the page.