This deck was presented by Marwan Forzley (see bio below) General Manager at Western Union during the BayPay Forum event focused on International Treasury & Payments Best Practice.
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Marwan Forzley, General Manager at Western Union
Marwan Forzley is General Manager - eCommerce and Strategic Partnerships at Western Union Digital.
Marwan Forzley is considered one of the top entrepreneurs in payments and responsible for the success of the industry’s leading alternative payments. Forzley's eBillme provides an online debit solution that plays off of existing consumer behavior and allows for customers to pay with cash, online. Marwan believes we will see a shift away from the use of credit and pay-later methods and consumers will go back to basics and buy with existing money. This allows eBillme’s services to thrive as buyers look for a cardless, internet, debit transaction.