Why Can’t Online Payments Be as Simple as Apple Pay?

Apple Pay™ has reduced point-of-sale purchases to a single click. You simply hold your iPhone with your finger on Touch ID, swipe it past the contactless reader and payment is made.


There’s no shuffling through credit cards, no swiping your card through the reader (sometimes several times) and entering your PIN.


You simply swipe and go.


Sadly, Apple Pay doesn’t work for browser-based payments—which explains why there’s no Apple Pay button on the Apple website or on any browser-based eCommerce or mCommerce site.


The inability to use Apple Pay for secure online mobile payments is what I call the Apple Pay Gap.


Complicated online payments lead to abandoned shopping carts—lots of them

Imagine this typical scenario.


You see a purple widget online and decide to buy. By the time you’ve entered your user name and password, and then filled out the purchase forms, you’ve entered on average 150 keystrokes—on a tiny keyboard.


And if you make typos, that keystroke number can soar.


This “payment friction” is a major cause of frustrated buyers that directly results in abandoned shopping carts, with rates in some cases as high as 97% according to Google.


Want proof?


In the U.S. 31.2% of online traffic is generated by smartphones, yet only 9.1% of purchases come from smartphones. That’s a 26.1% gap.


If you consider Mobile Commerce is a $84 billion marketplace, that 26.1% gap adds up to $22 billion in online sales that might have taken place…but didn’t.


In light of all this, the big question becomes: Why can’t browser-based online payments be as simple as Apple Pay to reduce the number of abandoned carts and dramatically increase revenues?


The simpler solution: bypass keyboards

How’s this for simplicity: replacing 150 keystrokes with a single click.




Using a patented secure mobile payment app, users could bypass tiny keyboards. They don’t have to enter their user name and password. They don’t have to type in their credit card number. They don’t have to fill in long forms.


They could simply click on one button to purchase, press the fingerprint reader (or enter a PIN on smartphones without a fingerprint reader) and they’re done.


Payment made.


Total elapsed time? Five seconds.


Nothing could be easier.


Such a solution would feature the simplicity of Apple Pay and work on iPhone and Android smartphones.


And U.S. companies could finally access the lucrative mobile payment space by using patented secure mobile payment technology.


That technology can be found today by accessing www.sekur.me and downloading the app.


For further information contact Jack Bicer, CEO, SEKUR.me, Santa Ana, Calif., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.