Merchants to test BLE payments at Vilnius street fair

By Email Rian Boden Published 7 August 2014, 08:24 • Last updated 7 August 2014, 08:24

EVP International's Paysera mobile payments platform

More than 250 merchants taking part in this year’s Vilnius City Fiesta will be testing out a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mobile payments service that uses EVP International’s Paysera platform. The solution will also use QR codes to trigger payments.

“Merchants will have three mobile payment technologies available for use,” EVP explains.  For BLE, “when the buyer comes near the counter, he will see a payment window in his phone with the price agreed and typed into the payment register by the merchant. All the buyer has to do is to push a button and the merchant will get the information about the completed payment immediately.

Every merchant will also have a unique QR code displayed in their stall. “Once the payment amount is agreed, the buyer will scan a QR code and will see the payment information and will make a payment. The merchant will receive the payment immediately,” EVP says. “The third technology will work by generating a unique QR code every time a person buys goods.

“The buyer will provide a QR code and the merchant, after scanning the code, will take the money for the goods. The buyer has the ability to have control over the charging limit.” Each merchant will receive a smartphone for use during the street fair and will be able to provide discounts to those who choose to pay with their mobile device.

To use the service, visitors are being encouraged to create a Paysera account and add funds to it via the internet, in cash or by linking the app to a payment card. Apps are available for iOS, Android and Windows phones.

More than 300,000 people from around Europe attend the fiesta in Lithuania’s capital city every September. The fiesta includes hundreds of free events that take place in Vilnius’ streets, squares and parks.

“We will show everyone that mobile payments are user-friendly, [and] don’t require specific skills or equipment,” says Andrius Balkunas, development manager at EVP International.