The Informed Tourist equips Sydney hotels with NFC touchpoints

The Informed Tourist

INFORMED: Sydney visitors can tap NFC touchpoints to get tourist information digitally

Visitor information provider The Informed Tourist has installed NFC touchpoints in more than 200 hotels, rental car locations and city information centres in Sydney, enabling visitors to access information and get directions to local attractions with a tap of their NFC phone.

"The new platform we have built brings together our tourism clients, outlets and tourists like never before," says CEO Mark Kennedy.

"Complimenting our brochure distribution with a digital component has been a big task but now we can update information from our tourism partners in seconds. What this means for tourists, both national and international, is that they get up to the second digital information on their phones easily rather than having to search for each attraction on the internet or relying solely on brochures."

The Informed Tourist is using Tapit's NFC and QR platform and hopes to be able to place the NFC touchpoints in hotel rooms in the future.

A video showcases the service in action:

"Tourism is a key vertical for us, the internet is so cluttered and travelers don't want to spend hours working out what is on or where to eat by trawling the internet and putting up with masses of spam advertising," says Tapit CEO and co-founder Jamie Conyngham. "They just want to get the information they need in the simplest fastest way possible."