Bagel and Filecoin support decentralized AI development

US-based AI and cryptography research lab Bagel has partnered with Filecoin Foundation to pioneer GPU Restaking technology, enhancing decentralised AI efficiency

US-based AI and cryptography research lab Bagel has partnered with Filecoin Foundation to pioneer GPU Restaking technology, enhancing decentralised AI efficiency. Bagel's collaboration with Filecoin Foundation allows AI developers to utilise Filecoin's compute and storage capabilities via Bagel's GPU Restaking technology.

Previously, Filecoin storage providers (SPs) had to choose between storage or compute, limiting service capacity for AI. Bagel's GPU Restaking aggregates decentralised compute, allowing Filecoin SPs to use both storage and computational resources for AI via its ML platform. Using Bagel’s ML platform, AI developers can access the Filecoin storage provider network to manage vast AI workloads.

Meanwhile, Filecoin storage providers will be able to dynamically allocate GPUs to the most profitable computer networks. As a result of the partnership, AI developers can train their models where their data is, reducing the overhead of AI workloads on decentralised networks. Moreover, the collaboration addresses the challenge of data storage and retrieval, offering AI developers more flexibility and efficiency.

Integrating Bagel brings the following benefits for Filecoin SPs: Increased revenue through the monetisation of both storage and compute resources; Efficient compute resource utilisation driven by Bagel's dynamic routing capabilities; Accelerated adoption by providing a comprehensive solution for storing and processing ML workloads. Rising Web3 and AI convergence The year 2023 has seen an increase in interest in the intersection of Web3 and AI. A February 2024 report by TenSquared found that at the end of 2023, more than 6,900 blockchain and AI-related Github repositories and more than 539,000 Github pull requests had been created.

The integration of Bagel and the Filecoin network, will provide the infrastructural backbone to service this growing industry. Bagel will begin officially testing its beta with Filecoin storage providers on July 17, 2024. Users can sign up for early access here.


Jul 09, 2024 12:24
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