SavvyMoney launches Get My Rate

SavvyMoney has announced Get My Rate, a personalised offer automation tool designed for financial institutions

SavvyMoney has announced Get My Rate, a personalised offer automation tool designed for financial institutions. The new, customised offer tool is aimed at transforming the way FIs interact with members and non-members, providing convenience, tailored experiences, and enhanced market reach.

Get My Rate also integrates consumers into the FI's marketing efforts, ensuring that as their credit profile improves over time or as rates improve, they are presented with pre-qualified loan options featuring the latest rates in line with their credit qualifications. Unlike other traditional, single-stop pre-qualification solutions, Get My Rate enables users to get pre-qualified for multiple offers at once and receive ongoing alerts when rates improve. Additionally, users can benefit from continuous credit monitoring and a comprehensive suite of financial wellness tools that help them enhance their financial profiles over time.

These improvements can lead to better loan opportunities and substantial cost savings for consumers. Officials from the company commented that in an industry that's rapidly evolving with digital transformation and increasing consumer expectations, this launch exemplifies the commitment to reshape the lending landscape, putting the power of personalisation in the hands of consumers while driving continued growth for financial institutions. Key features and benefits of Get My Rate Streamlined consumer pre-qualification for loans;  Alerting consumers of progress regarding credit improvement goals to pre-qualify;  FIs enabled to identify and market personalised offers to consumers;  Expanded market share by simplifying borrowing on consumers' terms;  Multi-offer pre-qualification and ongoing rate change alerts;  Continuous credit monitoring and financial wellness tools;  Long-term relationship building between FIs and consumer.

By providing free access to pre-qualification and tools to help consumers improve their financial wellness over time, financial institutions can build long-term relationships with consumers that extend beyond the usual transactional nature of loan origination. This approach highlights SavvyMoney's dedication to reshape the financial landscape with customer-centric solutions that challenge the limits of traditional banking. .

Jul 22, 2024 15:49
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