Breach Response: When to Involve the Board and PR

Breach Response , Data Breach

Attorney Mark Rasch on How to Prepare and Practice Your Response(SecurityEditor) • December 14, 2018     Mark Rasch, principal, Rasch Technology and Cyber Law

In the wake of the recent Marriott and National Republican Congressional Committee data breaches, now is the time to get your board's attention regarding breach response and public disclosures. Attorney Mark Rasch offers insights for preparing and practicing response plans.

In a video interview at Information Security Media Group's recent Breach Prevention Summit: Washington, Rasch discusses:

See Also: Live Webinar | Levers of Human Deception: The Science and Methodology Behind Social Engineering

Immediate lessons learned from the Marriott and Republican Congressional Committee incidents; Common PR mistakes made by breached entities; How best to involve the board before and after a security incident.

Rasch, principal at Rasch Technology and Cyber Law, is an attorney and author working in the areas of corporate and government cybersecurity, privacy and incident response. He formerly worked at the U.S. Department of Justice within the criminal division's fraud section, among other roles.