Rivals Adyen, Stripe partner with Capital One to combat fraud

The three companies announced last Wednesday that they are teaming up to launch a free service intended to combat fraud and reduce the amount of transactions that are improperly declined

McLean, Virginia-based Capital One is partnering with San Francisco-based Stripe and Amsterdam-based Adyen to combat fraud, a scourge of their industry that is only expected to grow worse in the coming years.

In this case, the three companies will be swapping information on potential fraudsters.

Capital One and Stripe have shared this service since last year, but the bank announced the inclusion of Adyen on Wednesday.

Fraud is hardly a new problem for the payments industry and signs point to the problem growing bigger in recent years. U.S. consumers lost roughly $10 billion to fraud in 2023, according to the Federal Trade Commission, a 15.7% increase over 2022.

Banking, payments and transfer fraud were the top payment methods for such fraud last year, accounting for $1.8 billion of that figure.

Globally, payments fraud is expected to cost merchants $343 billion between 2023 and 2027, according to Juniper Research.

Capital One’s Head of Fraud Strategy Jon Borman said Direct Data Share will let the three companies share information across platforms.

“The enhanced data is used to better identify potentially fraudulent transactions which allows Capital One to prevent additional fraud while approving additional legitimate transactions,” he said in an email.

Sharing information also reduces the chances of a transaction being flagged as fraudulent when it is actually legitimate, Borman said.

Direct Data Share has allowed $1 billion in transactions that would have been declined, an email from a spokesperson for TK said

By Patrick Cooley on June 10, 2024
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