Data Breach
Risk Management
A Practical Approach to Digital Clinician and Patient Credentials
Presented by
60 minutes
Healthcare is in the middle of a major evolution toward digital, personalized medicine and the empowered patient. This massive push toward digital medicine brings about numerous security and interoperability challenges, including a shift in thinking from "supposedly known users" to "secure and trusted identities."
Ongoing regulatory and monetary incentive programs are driving healthcare providers to increase their EHR and E-Prescribing adoption. Additionally, the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is focused on strengthening identity-proofing and authentication of all participants in the healthcare system: providers, staff, business associates, and patients. With many organizations including HIMSS, AHIMA and CHIME calling for a nationwide unique patient identifier with support from the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace's (NSTIC), Identity Ecosystem Steering Group, a trusted digital identity will likely soon be on your IT agenda.
Knowing who is accessing PHI at any point in time is beyond critical to ensure security. How can the healthcare community move closer to making this leap to digital medicine without sacrificing security and confidentiality?
This exclusive webinar, sponsored by VASCO, will talk about ways your healthcare organization can create a secure bridge between the verified identity in the physical world and the online identity in the cyberspace on a state or national level. Co-hosts Michael Magrath, Director of Business Development at VASCO and a nationally recognized leader in the healthcare identity management field, and Andrew Showstead, Director of Technical Consultancy at VASCO, will discuss how your organization can deploy a unique, reusable and trusted digital patient credential that provides interoperability and links multiple players via a trust framework.
In this exclusive webinar, Magrath and Showstead will also discuss:
Different options to provide better patient and provider electronic authentication;
How superior identity management naturally leads to improved HIPAA and HITECH compliance;
How to implement remote ID verification;
How to secure end-to-end communications between patients and providers.
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