FBI's James Comey on Insider Threat, Other Cyber Challenges

The latest ISMG Security Report leads with an account of FBI Director James Comey's testimony before the U.S. Congress on insiders posing a cyberthreat to the American law enforcement bureau.

In the Security Report, you'll also hear (click on player beneath image to listen):

ISMG Security and Technology Editor Jeremy Kirk report on initiatives in Australia to get businesses to share cyberthreat intelligence, and; An explanation why the oft-repeated claim is likely false that most startup go out of business six months after a security breach.

The ISMG Security Report appears on this and other ISMG websites on Tuesdays and Fridays. Check out our April 28 and May 2 reports that respectively analyze how Kremlin-tied actors who target political groups in France, Germany and the United States to influence foreign elections could be employed to damage the reputation of businesses, and why small businesses are increasingly being targeted by hackers.

The next ISMG Security Report will be posted on Tuesday, May 9.

Theme music for the ISMG Security Report is by Creative Commons license.