Valor PayTech reveals an innovative collaboration with the PayTech Women Organization

Valor PayTech has announced its partnership with PayTech Women , a group dedicated to providing opportunities for women in the payments and fintech sectors

Valor PayTech has announced its partnership with PayTech Women , a group dedicated to providing opportunities for women in the payments and fintech sectors. This partnership shows a dedication to promoting diversity and innovation in the technology and financial industries.

More details about this partnership Valor PayTech will collaborate closely with PayTech Women to support female professionals through a range of initiatives such as mentorship programs, leadership development sessions, and networking events. By leveraging their common goal of promoting inclusivity and professional advancement, both entities strive to make significant changes in the payments industry. Officials from Valor PayTech stated that their collaboration highlights their dedication to promoting women, diversity, and inclusion in the paytech sector.

By endorsing PayTech Women, Valor PayTech is paving the way for a future where women can match their aspirations. Their commitment to DEI will positively impact close to 6,000 members and the wider payments community. This partnership highlights Valor PayTech's commitment to advancing payment technologies and nurturing an inclusive ecosystem where diverse viewpoints flourish.

Moreover, the officials from Val PayTech believe that partnering with PayTech Women aligns with their core values. In addition, both companies will prioritise the prospects that this collaboration brings and are eager to help facilitate impactful experiences for women in this field. The alliance between Valor PayTech and PayTech Women is expected to have a significant impact on the technological advancement of women.

By advocating for this cause, the company is committed to ensuring that every voice is valued and included. About Valor PayTech Valor PayTech is a fintech company that offers end-to-end, processor-agnostic omnichannel commerce solutions. They provide reseller partners and their merchants with optimised tools and flexibility to thrive in the evolving business landscape.

About PayTech Women PayTech Women is a professional association for women in paytech, that offers personal development opportunities at any career stage. With a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), this association focuses on enhancing the workplace and prospects for all women in financial services by driving significant transformations. Through national and regional events, networking opportunities, and mentorship support, PayTech Women aims to help members attain greater personal achievements, influence, and professional equality.


Jul 18, 2024 13:57
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