SumUp, the financial partner for over 4 million businesses worldwide, has selected Form3, the cloud-native account-to-account payments platform, to provide direct access into the UK Faster Payments Scheme (FPS) and Bacs Scheme to further enhance its business account offering for UK customers.
UK Finance, the collective voice for the UK banking and finance industry, has clashed with the bank of England on the proposed £10,000 to £20,000 ceiling on individual holdings in a future central bank digital currency, arguing that such a limit could result in a run on bank deposits.
CLOWD9, the world's first cloud native payments processing platform, has today announced the appointment of Christian Channell as Chief Financial Officer.
Singapore's DBS has implemented a payments collection and settlement service for Chinese merchants that handles transaction in the country's retail central bank digital currency, E-CNY.
Moneycorp, one of the world's leading cross-border payments businesses, today announces that Chief Financial Officer, Velizar Tarashev has been appointed by the Board as the Group's next Chief Executive Officer effective immediately.
HSBC is the first bank to join BT and Toshiba's quantum-secured metro network – connecting two UK sites using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) to prepare its global operations against future cyber threats.